Sunday, August 30, 2020

Linux Information (Page 42)


pam_userdb(8) - PAM module to authenticate against a db data
The pam_userdb module is used to verify a username/password pair against values stored in a Berkeley DB database. The database is indexed by the username, and t

Tcl_CreateCommand(3) - implement new commands in C (ManPage)
Tcl_CreateCommand defines a new command in interp and associates it with procedure proc such that whenever cmdName is invoked as a Tcl command (via a call to Tc

svn(1) - Subversion command line client tool (Man Page).....
svn.1 - Subversion is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions of files and directories (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, a

Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6(3pm) - SPF record "ip6" mechanism class
An object of class Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6 represents an SPF record mechanism of type ip6. Constructors The following constructors are provided: new(%options): ret

ber_first_element(3) - OpenLDAP LBER simplified Basic Encodi
ber_first_element.3 - These routines provide a subroutine interface to a simplified implementation of the Basic Encoding Rules of ASN.1. The version of BER thes

getdtablesize(2) - get descriptor table size (Man Page).....
getdtablesize() returns the maximum number of files a process can have open, one more than the largest possible value for a file descriptor. RETURN VALUE The cu

pr(1) - convert text files for printing - Linux manual page
Paginate or columnate FILE(s) for printing. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. +FIRST_PAGE[:LAST_PAGE], --pages=FIRST_PAGE

unsetenv(3) - change or add an environment variable.........
The setenv() function adds the variable name to the environment with the value value, if name does not already exist. If name does exist in the environment, the

select(2) - synchronous I/O multiplexing - Linux man page...
select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become ready for some class of I/

extlinux(1) install the SYSLINUX bootloader on a ext2 ext3 f
EXTLINUX is a new syslinux derivative, which boots from a Linux ext2/ext3 filesystem. It works the same way as SYSLINUX, with a few slight modifications. It is

subpage_prot(2) - define a subpage protection for an address
The PowerPC-specific subpage_prot() system call provides the facility to control the access permissions on individual 4kB subpages on systems configured with a

mono-shlib-cop(1) - Shared Library Usage Checker (Man Page)
mono-shlib-cop is a tool that inspects a managed assembly looking for erroneous or suspecious usage of shared libraries. The tool takes one or more assembly fil

git-log(1) - Show commit logs (Commands - Linux man page)...
Shows the commit logs. The command takes options applicable to the git rev-list command to control what is shown and how, and options applicable to the git diff

fsck.cramfs(8) fsck compressed ROM file system (Man Page)...
fsck.cramfs is used to check the cramfs file system. OPTIONS -v, --verbose Enable verbose messaging. -b, --blocksize blocksize Use this blocksize, defaults to p

sasl_log_t(3) - The SASL logging callback - Linux man page
sasl_log_t is used to log warning/error messages from the SASL library. If not specified syslog will be used. RETURN VALUE SASL callback functions should return

pcre16_copy_named_substring(3) Perl-compatible regular expre
This is a convenience function for extracting a captured substring, identified by name, into a given buffer. The arguments are: code Pattern that was successful

glDrawBuffer(3gl) - specify which color buffers are to be dr
When colors are written to the frame buffer, they are written into the color buffers specified by glDrawBuffer. The specifications are as follows: GL_NONE No co

alphasort(3) - scan a directory for matching entries........
alphasort.3 - The scandir() function scans the directory dirp, calling filter() on each directory entry. Entries for which filter() returns nonzero are stored i

Tcl_GetDouble(3) - convert from string to integer, double, o
These procedures convert from strings to integers or double-precision floating-point values or booleans (represented as 0- or 1-valued integers). Each of the pr

nextto(n) invoke superclass method implementations..........
The next command is used to call implementations of a method by a class, superclass or mixin that are overridden by the current method. It can only be used from

vdir(1) - list directory contents - Linux manual page.......
vdir.1 - List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified. Mandator

ipcmk(1) - create various ipc resources - Linux manual page
ipcmk allows you to create shared memory segments, message queues, and semaphore arrays. OPTIONS Resources can be specified with these options: -M, --shmem size

hciattach(8) - attach serial devices via UART HCI to BlueZ s
hciattach.8 - Hciattach is used to attach a serial UART to the Bluetooth stack as HCI transport interface. OPTIONS -b Send break. -n Dont detach from controllin

XtAppAddActions(3) - register an action table (Man Page)....
The XtAppAddActions function adds the specified action table and registers it with the translation manager. SEE ALSO XtParseTranslationTable(3Xt) X Toolkit Intr

systemd-sysctl.service(8) Configure kernel parameters at boo
systemd-sysctl.service is an early-boot service that configures sysctl(8) kernel parameters. See sysctl.d(5) for information about the configuration of this ser

Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags(3pm) - tags for Spam
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags.3pm - In a nutshell, pam_timestamp caches successful authentication attempts, and allows you to use a recent successful

Tcl_EvalObjEx(3) - execute Tcl scripts - Linux manual page
The procedures described here are invoked to execute Tcl scripts in various forms. Tcl_EvalObjEx is the core procedure and is used by many of the others. It exe

st(4) - SCSI tape device (Special files - Linux man page)...
The st driver provides the interface to a variety of SCSI tape devices. Currently, the driver takes control of all detected devices of type sequential-access. T

pthread_setcanceltype(3) - set cancelability state and type
The pthread_setcancelstate() sets the cancelability state of the calling thread to the value given in state. The previous cancelability state of the thread is r

newterm(3ncurses) - curses screen initialization and manipul
initscr is normally the first curses routine to call when initializing a program. A few special routines sometimes need to be called before it; these are slk_in

ckpasswd(8) - nnrpd password authenticator - Linux man page
ckpasswd is the basic password authenticator for nnrpd, suitable for being run from an auth stanza in readers.conf. See readers.conf(5) for more information on

floor(3) - largest integral value not greater than argument
These functions return the largest integral value that is not greater than x. For example, floor(0.5) is 0.0, and floor(-0.5) is -1.0. RETURN VALUE These functi

wunctrl(3ncurses) - miscellaneous curses utility routines...
The unctrl routine returns a character string which is a printable representation of the character c, ignoring attributes. Control characters are displayed in t

SDL_CDOpen(3) - Opens a CD-ROM drive for access (Man Page)
Opens a CD-ROM drive for access. It returns a SDL_CD structure on success, or NULL if the drive was invalid or busy. This newly opened CD-ROM becomes the defaul

glib-mkenums(1) - C language enum description generation uti
glib-mkenums is a small perl-script utility that parses C code to extract enum definitions and produces enum descriptions based on text templates specified by t

Encode::Supported(3pm) - Encodings supported by Encode......
Encoding Names Encoding names are case insensitive. White space in names is ignored. In addition, an encoding may have aliases. Each encoding has one canonical

mbstowcs(3) - convert a multibyte string to a wide-character
If dest is not NULL, the mbstowcs() function converts the multibyte string src to a wide-character string starting at dest. At most n wide characters are writte

ordchr(3am) convert characters to strings and vice versa....
The ordchr extension adds two functions named ord(). and chr(), as follows. ord() This function takes a string argument, and returns the numeric value of the fi

pthread_setschedparam(3) - set/get scheduling policy and par
The pthread_setschedparam() function sets the scheduling policy and parameters of the thread thread. policy specifies the new scheduling policy for thread. The

Remove File

sdptool(1) - control and interrogate SDP servers (Man Page)
sdptool provides the interface for performing SDP queries on Bluetooth devices, and administering a local SDP database. COMMANDS The following commands are avai

nlmconv(1) - converts object code into an NLM. (Man Page)...
nlmconv converts the relocatable i386 object file infile into the NetWare Loadable Module outfile, optionally reading headerfile for NLM header information. For

grpunconv(8) - convert from shadow group - Linux man page...
grpunconv moves the passwords from /etc/gshadow to /etc/group. The gshadow file will be removed afterwards. All other informations stored in /etc/gshadow will g

tclvars(n) - Variables used by Tcl - Linux manual page......
tclvars.n - The following global variables are created and managed automatically by the Tcl library. Except where noted below, these variables should normally b

rename(2) - change the name or location of a file (ManPage)
rename() renames a file, moving it between directories if required. Any other hard links to the file (as created using link(2)) are unaffected. Open file descri

reset_shell_mode(3ncurses) - low-level curses routines......
The following routines give low-level access to various curses capabilities. These routines typically are used inside library routines. The def_prog_mode and de

namespace(n) - create and manipulate contexts for commands a
The namespace command lets you create, access, and destroy separate contexts for commands and variables. See the section WHAT IS A NAMESPACE? below for a brief

FcStrStr(3) - locate UTF-8 substring - Linux manual page....
Returns the location of s2 in s1. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This test will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings. VERSION Fontconfig version

charsets(7) - programmer's view of character sets and intern
This manual page gives an overview on different character set standards and how they were used on Linux before Unicode became ubiquitous. Some of this informati

fgetwc(3) - read a wide character from a FILE stream........
The fgetwc() function is the wide-character equivalent of the fgetc(3) function. It reads a wide character from stream and returns it. If the end of stream is r

pam_get_authtok(3) - get authentication token (Man Page)....
The pam_get_authtok function returns the cached authentication token, or prompts the user if no token is currently cached. It is intended for internal use by Li

Tcl_GetVar2(3) - manipulate Tcl variables - Linux man page
These procedures are used to create, modify, read, and delete Tcl variables from C code. Tcl_SetVar2Ex, Tcl_SetVar, Tcl_SetVar2, and Tcl_ObjSetVar2 will create

hugin(1) - Hugin panorama creator - Linux manual page.......
Hugin is a GUI tool for panorama creation. This man page is a stub, complete documentation of the GUI can be found in the online manual available in the Help me

kismet(1) Wireless sniffing and monitoring - Linux man page
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monito

lastb(1) - show listing of last logged in users (Man Page)
Last searches back through the file /var/log/wtmp (or the file designated by the -f flag) and displays a list of all users logged in (and out) since that file w

pnmnorm(1) - normalize the contrast in a Netbpm image.......
This program is part of Netpbm(1) pnmnorm reads a PNM image (PBM, PGM, or PPM). It normalizes the contrast by forcing the brightest pixels to white, the darkest

clntraw_create(3) - library routines for remote procedure ca
These routines allow C programs to make procedure calls on other machines across the network. First, the client calls a procedure to send a data packet to the s

winnwstr(3ncurses) - get a string of wchar_t characters from
These routines return a string of wchar_t characters in wstr, extracted starting at the current cursor position in the named window. Attributes are stripped fro

grub2-mkfont(1) make GRUB font files - Linux manual page....
Convert common font file formats into PF2 -a, --force-autohint force autohint -b, --bold convert to bold font -c, --asce=NUM set font ascent -d, --desc=NUM set

futimesat(2) - change timestamps of a file relative to a dir
This system call is obsolete. Use utimensat(2) instead. The futimesat() system call operates in exactly the same way as utimes(2), except for the differences de

Net::LDAP::RFC(3pm) - List of related RFC's - Linux man page
The LDAP protocol is defined in the following RFC s Core LDAP Specification RFC-4510 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ): Technical Specification Roa

ssh-keygen(1) - authentication key generation, management an
ssh-keygen generates, manages and converts authentication keys for ssh-add(1). ssh-keygen can create RSA keys for use by SSH protocol version 1 and DSA, ECDSA,

optionProcess(3) this is the main option processing routine
This is the main entry point for processing options. It is intended that this procedure be called once at the beginning of the execution of a program. Depending

gs(1) - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter
The gs (gswin32c, gswin32, gsos2) command invokes Ghostscript, an interpreter of Adobe Systems PostScript(tm) and Portable Document Format (PDF) languages. gs r

Tcl_ChannelCloseProc(3) - procedures for creating and manipu
Tcl uses a two-layered channel architecture. It provides a generic upper layer to enable C and Tcl programs to perform input and output using the same APIs for

focus(n) - Manage the input focus - Linux manual page.......
The focus command is used to manage the Tk input focus. At any given time, one window on each display is designated as the focus window; any key press or key re

nsswitch.conf(5) - System Databases and Name Service Switch
The Name Service Switch (NSS) configuration file, /etc/nsswitch.conf, is used by the GNU C Library to determine the sources from which to obtain name-service in

Tk_MeasureChars(3) - routines to measure and display simple
These routines are for measuring and displaying simple single-font, single-line strings. To measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified text, refer t

wsyncup(3ncurses) - create curses windows - Linux man page
Calling newwin creates and returns a pointer to a new window with the given number of lines and columns. The upper left-hand corner of the window is at line beg

Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as string
The procedures described in this manual entry allow Tcl objects to be manipulated as string values. They use the internal representation of the object to store

casinf(3) - complex arc sine (Library - Linux man page).....
The casin() function calculates the complex arc sine of z. If y = casin(z), then z = csin(y). The real part of y is chosen in the interval [-pi/2,pi/2]. One has

Remove File

setbuffer(3) - stream buffering operations - Linux man page
The three types of buffering available are unbuffered, block buffered, and line buffered. When an output stream is unbuffered, information appears on the destin

Remove File

fts_children(3) - traverse a file hierarchy - Linux man page
The fts functions are provided for traversing file hierarchies. A simple overview is that the fts_open() function returns a handle on a file hierarchy, which is

attr_list(3) - list the names of the user attributes of a fi
The attr_list and attr_listf functions provide a way to list the existing attributes of a filesystem object. Path points to a path name for a filesystem object,

ascii(7) - ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, an
ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a 7-bit code. Many 8-bit codes (e.g., ISO 8859-1) contain ASCII as their lower half. The

gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_hint(3) - API function....
This function sets the identity hint, in a gnutls_psk_server_credentials_t structure. This hint is sent to the client to help it chose a good PSK credential (i.

ypwhich(1) - return name of NIS server or map master........
ypwhich returns the name of the NIS server that supplies the NIS services to a NIS client, or which is the master for a map. If invoked without arguments, it gi

etags(1) - generate tag file for Emacs, vi - Linux man page
The etags program is used to create a tag table file, in a format understood by emacs(1); the gnuctags program is used to create a similar table in a format und

gnutls_strerror(3) - API function - Linux manual page.......
This function is similar to strerror. The difference is that it accepts an error number returned by a gnutls function; In case of an unknown error a descriptive

glColor3i(3gl) - set the current color - Linux manual page
The GL stores both a current single-valued color index and a current four-valued RGBA color. glColor sets a new four-valued RGBA color. glColor has two major va

ddate(1) - convert Gregorian dates to Discordian dates......
ddate prints the date in Discordian date format. If called with no arguments, ddate will get the current system date, convert this to the Discordian date format

XkbAddGeomKey(3) - Add one key at the end of an existing row
XkbAddGeomKey.3 - Xkb provides functions to add a single new element to the top-level keyboard geometry. In each case the num_ * fields of the corresponding str

ModPerl::PerlRun(3pm) - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_
META: document that for now we dont chdir() into the scripts dir, because it affects the whole process under threads. ModPerl::PerlRunPrefork should be used by

SDL_WM_IconifyWindow(3) - Iconify/Minimise the window.......
If the application is running in a window managed environment SDL attempts to iconify/minimise it. If SDL_WM_IconifyWindow is successful, the application will r

sync_file_range(2) - sync a file segment with disk (ManPage)
sync_file_range() permits fine control when synchronizing the open file referred to by the file descriptor fd with disk. offset is the starting byte of the file

pcre16_refcount(3) Perl-compatible regular expressions......
This function is used to maintain a reference count inside a data block that contains a compiled pattern. Its arguments are: code Compiled regular expression ad

login.defs(5) - Login configuration - Linux manual page.....
The /etc/login.defs file defines the site-specific configuration for the shadow password suite. This file is required. Absence of this file will not prevent sys

bzfgrep(1) - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a re
Bzgrep is used to invoke the grep on bzip2-compressed files. All options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is specified, then the standard input

siglongjmp(3) - nonlocal jump to a saved stack context......
longjmp() and setjmp(3) are useful for dealing with errors and interrupts encountered in a low-level subroutine of a program. longjmp() restores the environment

gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp_raw(3) - API function (ManPage)
gnutls_pcert_import_openpgp_raw.3 - This convenience function will import the given certificate to a gnutls_pcert_st structure. The structure must be deinitiali

pullnews(1) - Pull news from multiple news servers and feed
pullnews reads a config file in the running users home directory (normally called ~/.pullnews) and connects to the upstream servers given there as a reader clie

t22 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
t22 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers a

wcsnrtombs(3) - convert a wide-character string to a multiby
The wcsnrtombs() function is like the wcsrtombs(3) function, except that the number of wide characters to be converted, starting at *src, is limited to nwc. If

XIfEvent(3) - check the event queue with a predicate procedu
The XIfEvent function completes only when the specified predicate procedure returns True for an event, which indicates an event in the queue matches. XIfEvent f

error(8) - Postfix error/retry mail delivery agent (ManPage)
The Postfix error(8) delivery agent processes delivery requests from the queue manager. Each request specifies a queue file, a sender address, the reason for no

towlower_l(3) convert a wide character to lowercase.........
The towlower() function is the wide-character equivalent of the tolower(3) function. If wc is an uppercase wide character, and there exists a lowercase equivale

XkbSetModActionVMods(3) - Sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields
XkbSetModActionVMods sets the vmods1 and vmods2 fields of act using the vmods format of an Xkb modifier description. NOTES Despite the fact that the first param

XtAppAddSignal(3) - register and remove a signal source.....
The XtAppAddSignal function initiates a mechanism for handling signals within the context of the Intrinsics. Prior to establishing an operating system dependent

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