Sunday, August 30, 2020

Linux Information (Page 39)


XGrabDevice(3) - grab/release the specified extension device
XGrabDevice.3 - The XGrabDevice request actively grabs control of the device and generates DeviceFocusIn and DeviceFocusOut events. Further device events are re

glColor3sv(3gl) - set the current color - Linux manual page
The GL stores both a current single-valued color index and a current four-valued RGBA color. glColor sets a new four-valued RGBA color. glColor has two major va

vttest(1) - test VT100-type terminal - Linux manual page....
Vttest is a program designed to test the functionality of a VT100 terminal (or emulator thereof). It tests both display (escape sequence handling) and keyboard.

oldfind(1) search for files in a directory hierarchy........
The oldfind and find programs are functionally identical. The only difference between them is the implementation internals of how the filesystem is searched. Th

snmp_pdu_add_variable(3) - netsnmp_varbind_api functions....
The functions dealing with variable bindings fall into four groups dealing with the creation, setting of values, output and deletion of varbinds. Creation snmp_

ppmdraw(1) - draw lines, text, etc on a PPM image (ManPage)
This program is part of Netpbm(1) ppmdraw draws lines, shapes, text, etc. on a PPM image. It is essentially an easy-to-program front end to libnetpbms ppmd subr

os-release(5) - Operating system identification (Man Page)
The /etc/os-release file contains operating system identification data. The basic file format of os-release is a newline-separated list of environment-like shel

inncheck(8) - check inn configuration and database files....
Inncheck examines various configuration files and databases and verifies things about them. Things verified depend on the file being checked, but generally are

checkbutton(n) - Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets
The checkbutton command creates a new window (given by the pathName argument) and makes it into a checkbutton widget. Additional options, described above, may b

innwatch.ctl(5) - control Usenet supervision by innwatch....
The file <pathetc in inn.conf>/innwatch.ctl is used to determine what actions are taken during the periodic supervisions by innwatch. The file consists of a ser

coroutine(n) Create and produce values from coroutines......
The coroutine command creates a new coroutine context (with associated command) named name and executes that context by calling command, passing in the other re

x12 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
x12 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers a

peekfd(1) - peek at file descriptors of running processes...
peekfd attaches to a running process and intercepts all reads and writes to file descriptors. You can specify the desired file descriptor numbers or dump all of

udisksd(8) The udisks system daemon - Linux manual page.....
The udisksd program provides the org.freedesktop.UDisks2 name on the system message bus. Users or administrators should never need to start this daemon as it wi

core(5) - core dump file (File formats - Linux man page)....
The default action of certain signals is to cause a process to terminate and produce a core dump file, a disk file containing an image of the processs memory at

strstr(3) - locate a substring (Library - Linux man page)...
The strstr() function finds the first occurrence of the substring needle in the string haystack. The terminating null bytes (\0) are not compared. The strcasest

tzselect(8) - select a timezone (Admin - Linux man page)....
The tzselect program asks the user for information about the current location, and outputs the resulting timezone description to standard output. The output is

attributes(3menu) - color and attribute control for menus...
attributes.3menu - The function set_menu_fore sets the foreground attribute of menu. This is the highlight used for selected menu items. menu_fore returns the f

mke2fs(8) - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem (Man Page)
mke2fs is used to create an ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem, usually in a disk partition (or file) named by device. The file system size is specified by fs-size.

glRasterPos3d(3gl) - specify the raster position for pixel o
The GL maintains a 3D position in window coordinates. This position, called the raster position, is used to position pixel and bitmap write operations. It is ma

xdr_wrapstring(3) - library routines for external data repre
These routines allow C programmers to describe arbitrary data structures in a machine-independent fashion. Data for remote procedure calls are transmitted using

radius(8) - nnrpd RADIUS password authenticator (Man Page)
radius is an nnrpd authenticator, accepting a username and password from nnrpd (given to nnrpd by a reader connection) and attempting to authenticate that usern

SDL_ShowCursor(3) - Toggle whether or not the cursor is show
Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen. Passing SDL_ENABLE displays the cursor and passing SDL_DISABLE hides it. The current state of the mouse

git-get-tar-commit-id(1) - Extract commit ID from an archive
Acts as a filter, extracting the commit ID stored in archives created by git archive. It reads only the first 1024 bytes of input, thus its runtime is not influ

Tk_CreateBindingTable(3) - invoke scripts in response to X e
These procedures provide a general-purpose mechanism for creating and invoking bindings. Bindings are organized in terms of binding tables. A binding table cons

xset(1) - user preference utility for X - Linux manual page
This program is used to set various user preference options of the display. OPTIONS -display display This option specifies the server to use; see Xorg(1). b The

dialog(1) - display dialog boxes from shell scripts.........
Dialog is a program that will let you to present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. These types of dialog boxes

memchr(3) - scan memory for a character - Linux manual page
The memchr() function scans the initial n bytes of the memory area pointed to by s for the first instance of c. Both c and the bytes of the memory area pointed

XGetPixel(3) - image utilities (Library - Linux man page)...
The XInitImage function initializes the internal image manipulation routines of an image structure, based on the values of the various structure members. All fi

TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown(3pm) - Unknown result token....
This is a subclass of TAP::Parser::Result. A token of this class will be returned if the parser does not recognize the token line. For example: 1..5 VERSION 7 o

glTexCoord4dv(3gl) - set the current texture coordinates....
glTexCoord specifies texture coordinates in one, two, three, or four dimensions. glTexCoord1 sets the current texture coordinates to (s, 0, 0, 1); a call to glT

instr(3ncurses) - get a string of characters from a curses w
These routines return a string of characters in str, extracted starting at the current cursor position in the named window. Attributes are stripped from the cha

recv(2) - receive a message from a socket - Linux man page
The recv(), recvfrom(), and recvmsg() calls are used to receive messages from a socket. They may be used to receive data on both connectionless and connection-o

gpg-preset-passphrase(1) - Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's
The gpg-preset-passphrase is a utility to seed the internal cache of a running gpg-agent with passphrases. It is mainly useful for unattended machines, where th

Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache(3pm) - provide access to cached
This module allows ArchiveIterator to use cached atime information instead of having to read every message separately. PUBLIC METHODS new() Generates a new cach

eventlogadm(8) - push records into the Samba event log store
This tool is part of the samba(1) suite. eventlogadm is a filter that accepts formatted event log records on standard input and writes them to the Samba event l

gnutls_openpgp_crt_get_fingerprint(3) - API function........
Get key fingerprint. Depending on the algorithm, the fingerprint can be 16 or 20 bytes. RETURNS On success, 0 is returned. Otherwise, an error code. REPORTING B

Remove File

iftop(8) - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
iftop listens to network traffic on a named interface, or on the first interface it can find which looks like an external interface if none is specified, and di

glMaterial(3gl) - specify material parameters for the lighti
glMaterial assigns values to material parameters. There are two matched sets of material parameters. One, the front-facing set, is used to shade points, lines,

bzmore(1) - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 com
Bzmore is a filter which allows examination of compressed or plain text files one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. bzmore works on files compressed

id3v2(1) (Commands - Linux manual page)....................
Display version information, genres, help, frames, tags, album title track, artist, song, comment, year, id3v2 - Adds/Modifies/Removes/Views id3v2, converts...

commands.13 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
commands.13 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image v

msgcat(1) - combines several message catalogs (Man Page)....
Concatenates and merges the specified PO files. Find messages which are common to two or more of the specified PO files. By using the --more-than option, greate

Tcl_NewIntObj(3) - manipulate Tcl objects as integer values
These procedures are used to create, modify, and read Tcl objects that │ hold integral values. │ The different routines exist to accommodate differe

SDL_GetCursor.3 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
SDL_GetCursor.3 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and ima

locks(5) - libzypp locking file (Formats - Linux man page)
The file /etc/zypp/locks is read by libzypp at start-up if zypp.conf allows it. The entries are used for initial locking of packages. Locking a package means no

XtAddGrab(3) - redirect user input to a modal widget........
The XtAddGrab function appends the widget (and associated parameters) to the modal cascade and checks that exclusive is True if spring_loaded is True. If these

glDepthFunc(3gl) - specify the value used for depth buffer c
glDepthFunc specifies the function used to compare each incoming pixel depth value with the depth value present in the depth buffer. The comparison is performed

Tcl_SetObjResult(3) - manipulate Tcl result - Linux man page
The procedures described here are utilities for manipulating the result value in a Tcl interpreter. The interpreter result may be either a Tcl object or a strin

sane-kvs20xx(5) - SANE backend for Panasonic KV-S20xxC USB/S
The sane-kvs20xx library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend which provides access to the Panasonic KV-S202xC and KV-S204xC scanners. KNOWN ISSU

Tcl_UntraceCommand(3) - monitor renames and deletes of a com
Tcl_TraceCommand allows a C procedure to monitor operations performed on a Tcl command, so that the C procedure is invoked whenever the command is renamed or de

imtest(1) - interactive IMAP test program - Linux man page
imtest is a utility that allows you to authenticate to a IMAP or IMSP server and interactively issue commands to it. Once authenticated you may issue any IMAP o

ssh-ldap-helper(8) sshd helper program for ldap support.....
ssh-ldap-helper is used by sshd(8) to access keys provided by an LDAP. ssh-ldap-helper is disabled by default and can only be enabled in the sshd configuration

g32 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
g32 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers a

kcmp(2) compare two processes to determine if they share a k
The kcmp() system call can be used to check whether the two processes identified by pid1 and pid2 share a kernel resource such as virtual memory, file descripto

ispunct_l(3) character classification functions (Man Page)
These functions check whether c, which must have the value of an unsigned char or EOF, falls into a certain character class according to the specified locale. T

ldap.conf(5) - LDAP configuration file/environment variables
If the environment variable LDAPNOINIT is defined, all defaulting is disabled. The ldap.conf configuration file is used to set system-wide defaults to be applie

getusershell(3) - get permitted user shells - Linux man page
The getusershell() function returns the next line from the file /etc/shells, opening the file if necessary. The line should contain the pathname of a valid user

TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner(3pm) - A no-op job..........
A no-op job. Returned by TAP::Parser::Scheduler as an instruction to the harness to spin (keep executing tests) while the scheduler cant return a real job. METH

wvline(3ncurses) - create curses borders, horizontal and ver
The border, wborder and box routines draw a box around the edges of a window. Other than the window, each argument is a character with attributes: ls - left sid

glCopyTexSubImage2D(3gl) - copy a two-dimensional texture su
glCopyTexSubImage2D replaces a rectangular portion of a two-dimensional texture image with pixels from the current GL_READ_BUFFER (rather than from main memory,

gluScaleImage(3gl) - scale an image to an arbitrary size....
gluScaleImage scales a pixel image using the appropriate pixel store modes to unpack data from the source image and pack data into the destination image. When s

XGetKeyboardMapping(3) - manipulate keyboard encoding and ke
The XChangeKeyboardMapping function defines the symbols for the specified number of KeyCodes starting with first_keycode. The symbols for KeyCodes outside this

mitem_current(3menu) - set and get current_menu_item........
The function set_current_item sets the current item (the item on which the menu cursor is positioned). current_item returns a pointer to the current item in the

pcre16_compile2(3) Perl-compatible regular expressions......
This function compiles a regular expression into an internal form. It is the same as pcre[16|32]_compile(), except for the addition of the errorcodeptr argument

XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC(3) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates
The XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC function, given a hue angle and lightness, finds the point of maximum chroma displayable by the screen. It returns this point in CIE L*u

Tk_ConfigureWidget(3) - process configuration options for wi
Note: Tk_ConfigureWidget should be replaced with the new Tcl_Obj based API Tk_SetOptions. The old interface is retained for backward compatibility. Tk_Configure

xdr_free(3) - library routines for external data representat
These routines allow C programmers to describe arbitrary data structures in a machine-independent fashion. Data for remote procedure calls are transmitted using

CPU_OR_S(3) - macros for manipulating CPU sets (Man Page)...
The cpu_set_t data structure represents a set of CPUs. CPU sets are used by sched_setaffinity(2) and similar interfaces. The cpu_set_t data type is implemented

ntohs(3) - convert values between host and network byte orde
The htonl() function converts the unsigned integer hostlong from host byte order to network byte order. The htons() function converts the unsigned short integer

XDestroyWindow(3) - destroy windows - Linux manual page.....
The XDestroyWindow function destroys the specified window as well as all of its subwindows and causes the X server to generate a DestroyNotify event for each wi

nfsd(8) - NFS server process (Admin - Linux man page).......
The rpc.nfsd program implements the user level part of the NFS service. The main functionality is handled by the nfsd kernel module. The user space program mere

perlirix(1) - Perl version 5 on Irix systems (Man Page).....
This document describes various features of Irix that will affect how Perl version 5 (hereafter just Perl) is compiled and/or runs. Building 32-bit Perl in Irix

pppoe-wrapper(1) SUID wrapper for starting and stopping PPPo
pppoe-wrapper is a small SUID program which allows non-root users to start and stop PPPoE links. It operates as follows: o First, linkname is sanity-checked. To

itclcomponent(n) define components for extendedclass, widget
The component command is used inside an [incr Tcl] extendedclass/widget/widgetadaptor definition to define components. Explicitly declares a component called co

tcl_startOfPreviousWord(n) - standard library of Tcl procedu
Tcl includes a library of Tcl procedures for commonly-needed functions. The procedures defined in the Tcl library are generic ones suitable for use by many diff

XLoadFont(3) - load or unload fonts and font metric structur
The XLoadFont function loads the specified font and returns its associated font ID. If the font name is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding, the result

systemd.resource-control(5) Resource control unit settings
Unit configuration files for services, slices, scopes, sockets, mount points, and swap devices share a subset of configuration options for resource control of s

inet_netof(3) - Internet address manipulation routines......
inet_aton() converts the Internet host address cp from the IPv4 numbers-and-dots notation into binary form (in network byte order) and stores it in the structur

rjoe(1) - Joe's Own Editor (Commands - Linux manual page)...
JOE is a powerful ASCII-text screen editor. It has a mode-less user interface which is similar to many user-friendly PC editors. Users of Micro-Pros WordStar or

grub2-glue-efi(1) generate a fat binary for EFI (Man Page)
grub-glue-efi processes ia32 and amd64 EFI images and glues them according to Apple format. Glue 32-bit and 64-bit binary into Apple universal one. -3, --input3

optopt(3) - Parse command-line options - Linux manual page
The getopt() function parses the command-line arguments. Its arguments argc and argv are the argument count and array as passed to the main() function on progra

apparmor_notify(8) display information about logged AppArmor
aa-notify will display a summary or provide desktop notifications for AppArmor DENIED messages. OPTIONS aa-notify accepts the following arguments: -p, --poll po

DefaultRootWindow(3) - Display macros and functions.........
The AllPlanes macro returns a value with all bits set to 1 suitable for use in a plane argument to a procedure. The BlackPixel macro returns the black pixel val

SDL_CondWait(3) - Wait on a condition variable (Man Page)...
Wait on the condition variable cond and unlock the provided mutex. The mutex must the locked before entering this function. Returns 0 when it is signalled, or -

numa_maps(5) - overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) refers to multiprocessor systems whose memory is divided into multiple memory nodes. The access time of a memory node depends o

fabsf(3) - absolute value of floating-point number (ManPage)
These functions return the absolute value of the floating-point number x. RETURN VALUE These functions return the absolute value of x. If x is a NaN, a NaN is r

asn1_delete_structure(3) - Deletes the structure pointed by
asn1_delete_structure.3 - Deletes the structure * structure . At the end, * structure is set to NULL. RETURNS ASN1_SUCCESS if successful, ASN1_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND

attr_multi(3) - manipulate multiple user attributes on a fil
The attr_multi and attr_multif functions provide a way to operate on multiple attributes of a filesystem object at once. Path points to a path name for a filesy

setterm(1) - set terminal attributes - Linux manual page....
setterm writes to standard output a character string that will invoke the specified terminal capabilities. Where possible terminfo is consulted to find the stri

tc-mqprio(8) Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware Q
The MQPRIO qdisc is a simple queuing discipline that allows mapping traffic flows to hardware queue ranges using priorities and a configurable priority to traff

rpc.gssd(8) - rpcsec_gss daemon (Admin - Linux man page)....
To establish GSS security contexts using these credential files, the Linux kernel RPC client depends on a userspace daemon called rpc.gssd. The rpc.gssd daemon

g23 - Linux Manual Pages Index (Manual - Linux man page)..........
g23 - Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers a

mbchk(1) - check the format of a Multiboot kernel (ManPage)
Check if the format of FILE complies with the Multiboot Specification. -q, --quiet suppress all normal output -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --versio

FcCharSetDestroy(3) - Destroy a character set (Man Page)....
FcCharSetDestroy decrements the reference count fcs. If the reference count becomes zero, all memory referenced is freed. VERSION Fontconfig version 2.8.0 FcCha

ioprio_set(2) - get/set I/O scheduling class and priority...
The ioprio_get() and ioprio_set() system calls respectively get and set the I/O scheduling class and priority of one or more threads. The which and who argument

unpack200-java-1.8.0-openjdk(1) Transforms a packed file pro
The unpack200 command is a native implementation that transforms a packed file produced by pack200-java-1.8.0-openjdk(1) into a JAR file. A typical usage follow

perlstyle(1) - Perl style guide (Commands - Linux man page)
Each programmer will, of course, have his or her own preferences in regards to formatting, but there are some general guidelines that will make your programs ea

gnutls_x509_crt_verify_data(3) - API function (Man Page)....
This function will verify the given signed data, using the parameters from the certificate. Deprecated. Please use gnutls_pubkey_verify_data(). RETURNS In case

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